
Explore career topics, including strengths, goals, healthy productivity, perfectionism and wellness.

Why do I work? (money and…)

Why do I work? (money and…)

We've all been there: in a work rut, where you ask yourself: Why, oh why, do I work (here still? this hard? in this role? with these people? [other])? Yes, most of us require money to support ourselves, our families, pay the mortgage etc. Among the people I coach,...

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Advocate for myself at work: 3 easy strategies

Advocate for myself at work: 3 easy strategies

I need to advocate for myself, even when I do good work Read almost any book that addresses careers and advancement and you'll read something along these lines: doing good work and waiting for someone to notice is a poor strategy for career growth. Sure, your good...

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My Top 5 CliftonStrengths have changed–Should I worry?

My Top 5 CliftonStrengths have changed–Should I worry?

You re-took the Top 5 CliftonStrengths assessment (often called StrengthsFinder) and your Signature Themes (i.e., the 5 themes that get reported out) have changed! This prompts you to wonder: "What's going on?!"   The questions behind that question When people let me...

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Feel overwhelmed? I love to do this (try it yourself)

Feel overwhelmed? I love to do this (try it yourself)

Do you ever feel overwhelmed the moment you wake up? One of my favourite practices for reducing overwhelm and increasing my productivity is to create my to-do list in the evening. Doing this takes only a few minutes and has so many benefits. How planning the night...

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Should I retake my CliftonStrengths assessment?

Should I retake my CliftonStrengths assessment?

Should I retake my CliftonStrengths Assessment? This is a question I often get from people who have taken the assessment (also called StrengthsFinder) in the past. My answer is usually "No!". Reasons not to retake the CliftonStrengths Assessment (also called...

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Worksheet for leveraging your strengths

Worksheet for leveraging your strengths

This downloadable resource includes a worksheet for leveraging your strengths, and includes ideas on developing your strengths through awareness and taking action. Why develop our strengths? Our greatest potential for growth comes from developing our strengths and not...

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Activity for effective team collaboration

Activity for effective team collaboration

Effective team collaboration promotes trust, creativity, innovation, and cooperation (Bulińska-Stangrecka & Bagieńska, 2019). These are important facets to healthy team functioning. In addition, numerous studies have found that team collaboration increases...

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A worksheet on values (authentic & aspirational)

A worksheet on values (authentic & aspirational)

If someone were to ask you what you value, could you tell them? You could probably list a few of your values quite easily, and even describe how these play out in your life. You might even be honest enough to talk about the ones you struggle to live by, despite their...

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