If someone were to ask you what you value, could you tell them?

You could probably list a few of your values quite easily, and even describe how these play out in your life. You might even be honest enough to talk about the ones you struggle to live by, despite their said (to you) importance.

I’m a fan of knowing and using values for greater wellbeing. When coaching, I regularly bring attention to values because they help us better understand our motivations, actions, and feelings.

If you’re not sure about your values or how to use them, read on.


Values have been defined as “the principles that give our lives meaning and allow us to persevere through adversity” (Markway & Ampel, p.44, 2018).

I really like this definition–especially the latter part–because it highlights the significance of values when things are tough. And, things have been quite tough with COVID.

How to identify your values

The activity described in this resource helps you gain more awareness of your values and also invites you to distinguish between authentic and aspirational values.

Download the instructions and worksheet for My Values: Authentic and Aspirational here:


I know my values, now what?

There are so many ways to incorporate your values into your day for more wellness. Here are 3 suggestions to get you started:

1.Make them visible.  For example, you may want to print them or put them on your screen saver, or home screen. I have a copy sitting on my desk in a spot that is always visible.

2. When something feels “off” in your day, check in with your values. Can you detect a misalignment? If so, what do you need to do to course-correct? For example, when I am overworking, I am negating my value around family and care (for self and for the people I love the most). It feels really crummy and is not a feeling I want to endure; so, I change my behaviour to honour my values.

3. Do an integrity report. This is an annual activity that invites you to examine the question: “Am I actually living like the type of person I claim to be?”. I haven’t done this formally but like the concept and do some version of this monthly. See below for a link with more details.


Over to you

I would love to hear how you’ve used this worksheet on values to identify yours (tools, processes, other) and what you do to (intentionally) stay connected to your values.  Let me know in the comments below!




Integrity report (James Clear)

7 ways to apply your personal core values in daily life (Inc.)

How to use your core values (Marc Alan Schelske)


Markway, B., & Ampel, C. (2018). The Self Confidence Workbook: A Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt and Improving Self-Esteem.

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