Effective team collaboration promotes trust, creativity, innovation, and cooperation (Bulińska-Stangrecka & Bagieńska, 2019). These are important facets to healthy team functioning. In addition, numerous studies have found that team collaboration increases productivity and performance.

But, how–specifically–does “team collaboration” show up in your team? And, what are the ways that team members experience collaboration on the team?

Strengths Activity for Teams: Identifying Effective Team Collaboration Practices

This activity helps a team better identify and articulate the ways members collaborate effectively. It can be done in person or online.

I have used this activity in team workshops and participants have really enjoyed the facilitated discussion about how the team collaborates.

Download the Activity Instructions 

Download the activity instructions for “Effective Team Collaboration” here so you can facilitate your own conversation about this important topic:

Ways to Enhance Team Collaboration

As part of your debrief on what works well, you may want to address ways to further strengthen team collaboration.

Some things to consider include:

  • Defining a common vision/purpose
  • Identifying goals and desired results
  • Tools and practices for communicating
  • Setting an example (informal mentorship, modelling, etc)
  • Clarifying roles and responsibilities
  • Feedback practices
  • Physical space
  • Celebrating, recognizing, appreciating each other



Reference: Bulińska-Stangrecka, H., & Bagieńska, A. (2019). HR practices for supporting interpersonal trust and its consequences for team collaboration and innovation. Sustainability11(16), 4423.

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