In December-January, I felt resistant to creating yearly goals for 2023. This surprised me, given how much I (normally) enjoy setting, tracking, and evaluating my goals.

However, I went with the flow this time and didn’t craft any goals at that time.

By early February, goals, pullings and wishes were bubbling up in me, and I started a list — but only when these ideas came to me (versus sitting down to devise and categorize goals). I also chose to focus mostly on goals for the first quarter (Q1) of 2023; I’d track the others, but not give them too much attention.

Inspired by the Happier Podcast episode in which Gretchen and Elizabeth reveal their “23 for 2023” and also by Dr. Katie Linder who publicly shares and tracks her goals, I decided to share mine.

My list of 23 in 2023 (Quarter 1)

As I created this, I was intentional about not wanting to draft a “to-do” list (I already make plenty of those) because that felt blah. Instead, I created a list that makes me smile and is enticing. Here it is:

  1. Dress in bright colours more often
  2. Have fun with my family
  3. Try something new every week
  4. Lead a hike for one of the hiking clubs I belong to
  5. Go to a heels dance class
  6. Order one time from Frock Box
  7. Do random acts of kindness
  8. Cook a new recipe
  9. Get to 92 pounds
  10. Sing three times live
  11. Learn a new song
  12. Do something new with Raúl one time each month
  13. Find someone who specializes in gut health for my eldest
  14. Get a massage
  15. Go to Aquasize three times
  16. Get bubble tea
  17. Hire a coach
  18. Obtain my Professional Certified Coach designation with the International Coaching Federation
  19. Write 2 blog posts/month
  20. Learn more about Mailchimp, SEO and Google Analytics
  21. Participate in the coaching facebook group weekly
  22. leaving it open
  23. leaving it open

I plan to review it frequently. I also give myself permission to modify it.

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