In this video, I share about the power of accountability to get things done. I’m talking about those things that are important to you, but that you may be dragging your feet on …

Do you have a goal that would benefit from accountability? What kind of accountability do you need and what are your next steps?

Some things/people I didn’t mention specifically in the video but want to share with you about:

  1. I discovered when I googled “singing teacher online”. Amazing site with people who will teach you tons of different things. I selected a young woman in Halifax as my online singing teacher.
  2. So much gratitude for John Vigna, faculty member at the University of British Columbia, and my collaborator on the manuscript we’ll be submitting within a few days. John ever so gently kept me committed to our collaboration of writing this piece together. Thank you John!


PS. I’m trying something new this time around: sharing via video. I’m also trying to “get over myself” when it comes to video and will be experimenting/learning over time. Expect to see improvements (!) in: make sure my mouth isn’t gaping wide open in the first shot (haha, sort of), adding text for increased accessibility, etc etc.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the power of accountability, please comment below or contact me.

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