I’m an introvert and I’m also easily distracted and bothered by noise. So, I am en-joy-ing working from home! It is utterly delicious.

My “regular” (non-COVID-19) situation was that I went to the University of British Columbia (UBC) several days per week for my part-time work at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. When I was not doing that, I ran (and still run!) my coaching practice from home.

Here are the top reasons I am happy working from home:

1. I get to see my children (ages 15 and 19) waaaaaay more often.

I love, love, love this part of working from home. I love being able to have lunch with my daughter, or talk with my son before he goes to work. I like giving them a kiss or receiving a hug. I don’t mean to sound like a Hallmark card, but I truly cherish these moments! I also recognize that this was made possible because they were home because their classes were online.

2. I have more flexibility.

Now that my part-time work for UBC is done at home (due to COVID-19), I have even more flexibility than I did in the past. Having flexibility and autonomy contribute directly to my career satisfaction. For me, greater flexibility means more control over how I shape my day, including when I can do my coaching work, when I do my UBC work, and when I can fit in other, non-work things.

3. There is greater fluidity between my work and personal life.

This one is related to the flexibility, but has more to do with the fact that there isn’t as big a divide between my professional and personal life as when I had to spend most of my days outside of my home and at an office. Sure, I still have tasks that I save for “after work”, but there are fewer of those than before. For example, I can get the laundry done during the day or chop the onions for dinner at a break (I know, I know–you’re envious of this level of excitement and the richness of my personal life).

4. There is natural light in the room where I work.

This one is huge for me and adds so much to my sense of wellbeing.

5. I don’t have to prepare lunch and snacks.

Aside from an occasional coffee treat, I always pack my own food when I go to work. I like not having to do this. It’s a small thing to not have to do, but still brings me pleasure.

6. I get to wear slippers all the time.

Happy feet, happy Isabeau. Need I say more? (ok, ok–it takes more than that, but still!)


Do you work from home? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please comment below or contact me.

Photo by Grant Durr on Unsplash


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