Let me preface this by saying that I am not spending my days with a big smile plastered onto my face. However, there are a number of things that have been lifting my spirits over the past few weeks and I wanted to record these here.

More time with my immediate family

Overall, I am loving being in the presence of my family more. Especially my teens. That said, I think we’ll all be ecstatic to have space from one another when that time comes.



I have made a goal of memorizing 3 songs this month and my daughter agreed to be my accountability partner. I sing while cycling or walking and also practice quietly at home. I had my first online singing lesson this week; I’m stating the obvious, but it was very, very different than doing it in person.


Chai tea ritual

Normally, this ritual is saved for the weekends because it takes some time. Now that I have more time, I make myself chai tea nearly every morning. I mix up the spices in advance, and brew myself a cup of tea — I top it off with foamed milk. It’s very soothing.

chai mix and chai tea


Trying new things in the online space

Raúl and I hosted a “live cooking demo” via Zoom for the Unitarian community and friends. Raúl taught how to make fresh Mexican salsa. It was fun to plan and do!


Walking with weight in my pack

This time last year, I started training for a multi-day backpacking trip. Training meant that every time I went out for a walk, I would carry a pack with weight in it; I also carried a pack inside the house to mimic the fact that I would be spending many hours a day with 30+ pounds on my back. I don’t have a hiking trip planned and don’t know if one will be possible this summer, but have started putting a bit of weight into my pack. In a strange way, it makes me hopeful…and I associate it with a beautiful memory (hiking the Nootka trail).


Proud mama

A few weeks ago, when we started to isolate, I was worried my teenagers (ages 18 and 15) would completely lose it. They haven’t and I’ve been amazed at their ability to keep going despite lack of socializing, loss of structure, being with their parents so much, etc. My son has started running almost daily while he finishes up course requirements for his first year at university and my daughter is learning/practicing dance routines and playing the guitar while she waits to hear from her teachers about “the plan”.


What is making you smile?

I’d love to know what’s lifting your spirits and keeping you well. Please be in touch (really!)–I love to hear from you.


Written during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

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