Explore career topics, including strengths, goals, healthy productivity, perfectionism and wellness.
Done or not? Deciding that your work is ready to share
You tweak. You adjust. You revise. And then you do it all over again. When is it actually time to stop? For perfectionists, "one more revision" is rarely just one. The pursuit of "good enough" can turn into never-ending work. You tell yourself you’ll submit the...
Putting off a work task? Try this strategy to get moving
By now, we’re past the wave of New Year posts about goals and words of the year. Don’t get me wrong—I love goals and intentions. But the beginning of January is a lot. Still, there are probably some work tasks on your plate that you’d really like to move along. And...
Shift your focus: Progress over perfection
Perfectionism often sneaks in when you’re aiming for excellence. It starts as a drive to do your best but can quickly spiral into endless revisions, second-guessing, and an inability to let go. Sound familiar? Maybe it’s that report you’ve been editing for weeks,...
Why perfectionists don’t like self-compassion
Why Perfectionists Don’t Like Self-Compassion I’ve come around, but only in the last few years. Before that, when I encountered advice to "practice self-compassion," I’d cringe. I probably even did an internal eye-roll. Well, friends, things have changed, and I’m now...
Adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism
Is perfectionism all bad? Spoiler alert: No! But, you'd think so, from the way it's usually depicted online, in blog posts, and in most book titles on the topic. The dominant message we get about perfectionism in the above is that it's something to overcome, to get...
Use the Wheel of Career to guide your next steps
What is the Wheel of Career? The Wheel of Career is a reflective exercise you can use to check-in with yourself and assess your current career fulfillment. It highlights what contributes to your satisfaction at work and dissatisfaction, and helps you figure out areas...
Being in motion vs taking action: There’s a difference
There's a difference between being in motion and taking action. It's subtle, but matters to the way we spend our time and where we invest our energy. In my personal experience, finding the "right" balance between motion and action impacts my sense of work...
Gain insight into your strengths by asking others
In my career-focused coaching sessions, folx often express a desire to better understand their strengths. In this post, I share a straightforward process to gain insight into your strengths by asking others. Implementing this approach is simple and will enhance your...
Safe space at work (a mini rant)
Employers, directors, and others often claim that they provide a “safe space” for their employees. I hear this all the time. And it irks me. Because nobody can define what's safe for someone else. Individuals carry trauma, anxieties, and experiences that aren't...
3 reasons to actively engage on LinkedIn
I have been actively engaging on LinkedIn since 2017 when I started my private coaching practice. Active engagement, to me, means: posting content; reading other people's posts; and responding to ideas and shares by other people For more than 10 years prior, I had had...
The “perfect day at work” exercise
Being happy at work matters If you're anything like me, work takes up a significant portion of your day. That's why it's important (crucial!) that our needs be met at work; and it's no wonder we feel unhappy when they're not. When our needs are met, work can be...
The new CliftonStrengths Top 5 Report: 5 highlights
Gallup has come out with a new CliftonStrengths Top 5 Report and it is good! The latest report was released in January 2024, and if you've previously completed the CliftonStrengths Assessment (CSA), you can now download your new report (see instructions below). I...