
Explore career topics, including strengths, goals, healthy productivity, perfectionism and wellness.

2023 Q3 Goal Check-in

2023 Q3 Goal Check-in

At the beginning of each quarter in 2023, I've created a list of wishes and goals. Then, 3 months later, I've reported back on my blog (see here for Q1 and Q2). Below is a list of my Quarter 3 (July, August, September) wishes, intentions, and goals and a brief summary...

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What is career success, for you?

What is career success, for you?

What is career success, for you?   A common definition of career success reads: Career success is achieving a reasonable level of financial stability while doing work you enjoy. Whether you resonate with the above or not, it provides us with a starting place to...

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A tool to manage your imposter syndrome

A tool to manage your imposter syndrome

Here's a tool to help manage your imposter "syndrome" when it shows up in your career. Which, as research suggests, is often, especially if you have perfectionistic characteristics, which many academics do. In fact, because all people, regardless of gender, race,...

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2023 Q2 Goal Check-in

2023 Q2 Goal Check-in

In early April, I created a list of goals for the second quarter (Q2) of 2023. I enjoyed making that list and then revisiting it regularly during Q2. Most fun, of course, was implementing the items on the list. Here's how things went: Did it Have fun with my family...

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Put yourself out there (or don’t)

Put yourself out there (or don’t)

Do you feel like you need to "put yourself out there" to advance or excel in your career? As an academic, you're expected to make yourself and your work visible. This means sharing your research (at conferences, public engagements and on social media), conducting...

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End of Term Coaching Special

End of Term Coaching Special

End of Term Coaching Special You know something has to change and you’re ready to make it happen. This is a perfect time to do it. Check out my End-of-Term Coaching Special, designed for the person who wants to make a change now (or maybe it was yesterday!). Results...

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Reflection questions for the end of term

Reflection questions for the end of term

Phew. You made it to the end of term. Congratulations! Please take a moment to soak in that reality. You’re probably experiencing a combination of emotions that range from relieved, elated, exhausted, spent, and hopeful. Whether you're teaching again soon or not until...

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Four assessments to know your work values

Four assessments to know your work values

Knowing what matters to you at work--in your relationships, environment, and overall career purpose--is important and is an ongoing process. Identifying your core work values is an essential first step in reaching that goal. Below are four self-assessments to get you...

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My list of 23 for 2023 (Q2)

My list of 23 for 2023 (Q2)

I really enjoyed creating and having a list of enticing activities and wishes for Q1 so I've created a list of 23 for 2023 for Q2. As with last time, I included items that make me happy, but still require "effort" (in a good way) and intentionality to carry through....

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Are you an ambitious perfectionist?! Find out.

Are you an ambitious perfectionist?! Find out.

Are you an ambitious perfectionist? Some of us don't even have to contemplate the question, we know the response is "YES!"  Others need to think about it. And another category of folx will initially respond "no" and then review this list and shift to "actually, maybe...

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2023 Q1 Goal Check-in

2023 Q1 Goal Check-in

In late January, I created a list of goals for the first quarter of 2023. I had a lot of fun making the list. Below, I report back on how things went! 2023 Q1 Goal Check-in Did it 1. Dressed in bright colours more often 4. Led a hike for one of the hiking clubs I...

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