Blog: Career

What is career success, for you?

What is career success, for you?

What is career success, for you?   A common definition of career success reads: Career success is achieving a reasonable level of financial stability while doing work you enjoy. Whether you resonate with the above or not, it provides us with a starting place to...

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A tool to manage your imposter syndrome

A tool to manage your imposter syndrome

Here's a tool to help manage your imposter "syndrome" when it shows up in your career. Which, as research suggests, is often, especially if you have perfectionistic characteristics, which many academics do. In fact, because all people, regardless of gender, race,...

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Put yourself out there (or don’t)

Put yourself out there (or don’t)

Do you feel like you need to "put yourself out there" to advance or excel in your career? As an academic, you're expected to make yourself and your work visible. This means sharing your research (at conferences, public engagements and on social media), conducting...

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End of Term Coaching Special

End of Term Coaching Special

End of Term Coaching Special You know something has to change and you’re ready to make it happen. This is a perfect time to do it. Check out my End-of-Term Coaching Special, designed for the person who wants to make a change now (or maybe it was yesterday!). Results...

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Reflection questions for the end of term

Reflection questions for the end of term

Phew. You made it to the end of term. Congratulations! Please take a moment to soak in that reality. You’re probably experiencing a combination of emotions that range from relieved, elated, exhausted, spent, and hopeful. Whether you're teaching again soon or not until...

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Four assessments to know your work values

Four assessments to know your work values

Knowing what matters to you at work--in your relationships, environment, and overall career purpose--is important and is an ongoing process. Identifying your core work values is an essential first step in reaching that goal. Below are four self-assessments to get you...

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Don’t talk yourself out of going for it

Don’t talk yourself out of going for it

The good news came early this year: I had received the CEO Today Executive Coaching Award for 2022. I was delighted to receive this recognition as I dedicate a lot to building my craft and care deeply about my clients. "Good for you, but what's this got to do with...

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How do I become my future self?

How do I become my future self?

How often do you wonder about your future? If you're anything like me, probably a lot. Without using these exact words, when we think about the months and years ahead, the  question you (and me) are asking is "How do I become my future self?" What is "Future Self"?...

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How do I make a change?

How do I make a change?

How do I make a change? This is a central theme when I work with my coaching clients, and in my own life. So it's a question I think a lot about. The other day, I was reflecting on my process. Mostly I was having fun playing with ideas and words and the letters in my...

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Tool for decision making: 10/10/10

Tool for decision making: 10/10/10

Decision making can be tough In our career, we continuously need to make decisions. Making better, and good, life and career choices is, well…a good thing and using a tool for decision making can get us there. I am fascinated (yes, really) by decision-making processes...

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I feel old at work

I feel old at work

Do you ever catch yourself thinking “I feel old at work”? Maybe that thought comes up because you’re among the older workers in your unit or organization, or because the clients you serve are young. Perhaps it's because your director/manager is younger than you are....

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How to write your mission statement

How to write your mission statement

This post guides you on how to write your mission statement. I recommend you create your mission statement after completing these two activities: identify your values (you can use this Worksheet on Values) and articulate your vision (see this post for details,...

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