

For as long as I can remember, I have been awed by a beautiful singing voice. Certain song/voice combinations stop me in my tracks, pull me in like some sort of powerful vortex (does a vortex suck people in? that may be scientifically inaccurate, but you get my...
Your workspace and well-being

Your workspace and well-being

The physical space in which we work matters–a lot. Yet, it isn’t necessarily the first thing that comes to mind when we think about career satisfaction. I have noticed my workspace affects my mood, my productivity, my sense of calm (or lack thereof), and...
Catastrophizing (do you remember 1999?!)

Catastrophizing (do you remember 1999?!)

I was thinking back 20 years to December 1999–do you remember the “hysteria” leading up to that month?! Back then, my spouse and I ran a disc jockey (DJ) business; December 31 had us worried because we weren’t sure how Y2K would play out....
7 ways to make the most of attending a conference

7 ways to make the most of attending a conference

Conferences present an excellent opportunity for learning and for building connections. They can contribute to your career growth, if you know how to make the most of them. Below I look at 7 ways to make the most of a conference as an attendee who is not presenting....
How to save time by simplifying

How to save time by simplifying

Should I write first or do mindfulness? Should I respond to emails that are piling up or write? Should I check social media or do something more productive? Should I exercise or grade papers? Those might be some of the decisions you need to make at the beginning of...

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