How do I become my future self?

How do I become my future self?

How often do you wonder about your future? If you’re anything like me, probably a lot. Without using these exact words, when we think about the months and years ahead, the  question you (and me) are asking is “How do I become my future self?” What is...
How do I make a change?

How do I make a change?

How do I make a change? This is a central theme when I work with my coaching clients, and in my own life. So it’s a question I think a lot about. The other day, I was reflecting on my process. Mostly I was having fun playing with ideas and words and the letters...
Tool for decision making: 10/10/10

Tool for decision making: 10/10/10

Decision making can be tough In our career, we continuously need to make decisions. Making better, and good, life and career choices is, well…a good thing and using a tool for decision making can get us there. I am fascinated (yes, really) by decision-making processes...
I feel old at work

I feel old at work

Do you ever catch yourself thinking “I feel old at work”? Maybe that thought comes up because you’re among the older workers in your unit or organization, or because the clients you serve are young. Perhaps it’s because your director/manager is younger than you...
How to write your mission statement

How to write your mission statement

This post guides you on how to write your mission statement. I recommend you create your mission statement after completing these two activities: identify your values (you can use this Worksheet on Values) and articulate your vision (see this post for details,...
How to write your vision statement

How to write your vision statement

This post will take you through the steps of how to write your vision statement. You can find a downloadable worksheet at the end. Many of my coaching clients have commented on how valuable their statement has been over time. I recommend working through the...

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