I grew up with the belief that ‘fixing’ my weaknesses was something I should consistently work on. Given I have no shortages of weaknesses, I had my work cut out for me. 😕 It was only a few years ago, when I was introduced to “StrengthsFinder”1...
As an only child, I adored reading. I made frequent trips to the public library and relished the process of selecting and then immersing myself in a book. I rarely read more than one book at a time, but read a lot. Most of the above still holds true, except the...
I’m having a first world problem and it has to do with my birthday. The problem is that I’m highly ambivalent about whether I should celebrate my 50th birthday in a “big” way. Not a big deal, you think? Why I feel stress around this choice It...
Should I write first or do mindfulness? Should I respond to emails that are piling up or write? Should I check social media or do something more productive? Should I exercise or grade papers? Those might be some of the decisions you need to make at the beginning of...
In this post, I describe how my desire to do meaningful work has shaped my career and a recent volunteer activity. I briefly recount an experience I had this summer that brought me great joy because it hit a “10” in my own doing-meaningful-work scale....
I want to worry less. Are you with me?! This is me The other day, I crossed a small group pre-schoolers walking outside with their teacher. They were taking a slow stroll along the sidewalk of a quiet street on a sunny morning. “Watch out,” cautioned the...